Sunday, June 23, 2013

What more can I do?

During this wait for a court date, I find myself wondering...what more can I do?  I keep seeing pictures of these little ones in Eastern Europe in need of families and my heart just aches.  I named this blog after the starfish story because I know that there is no way we can save all the orphans by ourselves; yet, a piece of my heart wishes I could.  

God is the only one that knows after we get "Yasmine" home what will happen next....whether we will go back again...I can I assure you I will keep my heart open to whatever He places upon it.   I am in constant awe of the ability we have to change if we just open our minds and our hearts.  I say this because I am very cautious and risk averse person, and yet I totally closed my eyes and jumped on this adoption thing.   I know that God will take care of everything!

I do know that I can assure all my friends and family that I will forever be advocating for these little ones!!  They need a voice...or better yet voiceS!!!  

I am hoping everyone is having a great summer and that the kids are not going too stir crazy yet!!

Love, Cathie

1 comment:

  1. I thought for sure we would come home with Bo and wish to return immediately. Strangely, 8 kids, 3 in diapers, and 2 with Down syndrome is proving to be kind of tough. ;) But, as we're getting or footing and hitting our stride, five months later, that old passion for those left behind is starting to rekindle.

    I love how you said you'll keep your heart open!
