Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Lots of Thanks...and Giving!

This year Thanksgiving has taken on a new meaning for me.   I have always given thanks for everything God has given me, but this year I am also so thankful to Him for opening my eyes to those who do not have everything.  This encompasses a large part of the population..the homeless guys I see within a mile of my home, the people out East who suffered through hurricane Sandy, those who do not have the best of health, and of course - the orphans.

It is so easy to be "blind" to those less fortunate...but I ask everyone who reads this to try to make a conscience effort to pray to God to help you open your eyes and look to those that may be in need.   It could be as simple as donating that old bedspread or comforter to a local shelter or giving food to the local food pantry.  For those that are ill...reach out and let them know you are thinking of them and praying for their health.  If possible, offer to help with holiday stuff.

As the holidays approach and the kids are making lists of their wants...I think what would Yasmine's list look like:
1.  A family
2.  A cozy bed
3.  A "home" to call her own
4.  Medical care - if needed

I am SO HAPPY to say that Yasmine's list will be fulfilled sometime this next year and her list will look a lot different next year:)  However, there are hundreds of others like her that will have the same list again next year.  Whether you find yourself called to adopt into your family or to help the orphans in some way (advocating, donating, etc), please do what you can.  www.reecesrainbow.org.

Finally - thanks again to those who have made a donation on behalf of Yasmine...we really appreciate it.


Happy Thanksgiving to each and everyone of you.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

To my precious little one....

While we have never met, or seen more than one picture of you, I have fallen hard for you.

I so look forward to the day we meet and you can finally know that we are welcoming you into our family.  You may be little, but I pray you are able to understand and find it comforting that God has helped us find each other.

Until that day - that cannot come soon enough - we keep you in our thoughts and prayers at all times.

Love to you my little one....



Friday, November 9, 2012


We found out that the country Yasmine lives in has put a "hold" on her for us.  This is very exciting for us.  It seems to be making what seems like a bit of a dream more of a reality.  Without this hold, another agency could have placed her for adoption without us even knowing.  Sorry to keep showing the same picture but this is the only one we have!!

It seems to me that everyone who is adopting knows what they are doing; whereas, I feel like we are flying by the seat of our pants!   I need to focus on raising some of the money we will need for our journey to bring our daughter home.  I would LOVE and appreciate ideas...

We have been considering names and everyone seems to have some ideas or inputs and so far few of them are coming together...we still have some time but I would love to have her name.  Some of you may wonder - why does she need a name?  Doesn't she have one?  The name Yasmine is an alias...and we do not plan to keep her birth name as her first name.

In other news....we are all healthy, Jim is working crazy hours it seems all day every day, the kids teachers look like they are going to strike, Gabi was selected to be in the talent show at school, the dog is just as wild as ever and Dot just keeps on swimming....

Praying you all have a wonderful weekend.


P.S.  Someday I hope to have a "Button" link but for now here is a link: