Wednesday, December 19, 2012


These last few weeks have been crazy busy getting ready for the holidays...we always have out of town guests and enjoy lots of cheer.  However, the last month has also included the loss of a precious little boy named Henry who was adopted last year from the Ukraine...and currently includes a gravely ill little guy named Ethan who steals my heart with his smile...he also happens to be adopted (domestically).  

All too often children with special needs are left in foster care or orphanages because of the fear of what the disability may involve and what medical issues may come up.   We are so fortunate that Ian is generally very healthy...I don't EVER take that for granted.  I won't lie - I am very anxious about Yasmine's health.  The initial report looks to be that she is quite healthy...but I have also been told those reports can't always be relied upon.   With all of the heartache I have been witnessing others going through due to devastating would be easy enough to just walk away from the adoption and avoid the potential pain...however - that will never happen because I know that Yasmine needs us - and we need matter whether she is healthy or not.  I pray she is, but also know that we will face anything we need to for her.   

There are so many children like Yasmine that need families...whether you are able to adopt, donate, pray, or share their stories - I beg you tell others about the plight of these children.  They deserve to have a mom and dad hug them and care for them when they are sick.   I also ask you to pray deeply about the idea of adoption...a year ago it was just a - "would like to do that"...not thinking it would ever be possible.  Now - having received a lot of guidance, we know that this is our what our journey is intended to be.  

Please continue to pray for my friends who have lost their children and are facing the holidays without them and for my friends with sick little ones....I still believe in miracles!


Our Giveaway is still going on but you MUST POST! if you share or donate!!


Monday, December 10, 2012

It is never easy ....

As a parent, it is NEVER easy to hand your child over to be put under for surgery.   As a member of an extended DS family that has lost far too many little ones recently (some post-surgery), the task is made all that harder.

This morning, Ian had his ear tubes checked and some dental rehab...I hope this is the only rehab I ever have to deal with with my kids.   He had a number of issues and he was unwilling to let the dentist deal with them while awake.   I am happy to report that all went took about 3.5 hours.   He is such a trooper and only complained for a bit post-op.

Not knowing Yasmine's health history in great detail, and not knowing if what we know is reliable, I am anxious to get her home and have her examined by a doctor here in the U.S.   As most children with Down syndrome are prone to a number of medical issues, I will feel much better when that exam is over.   I just pray all is well with her and surgery, no matter how minor, can be avoided.

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As you may have noticed, I will be "reminding" you on a regular basis of our Give-Away on this blog.   It is so important for us to get to her as quickly as possible and while the paper chase may hold things up along the way - I pray money is never the roadblock.  PLEASE don't forget to comment on the blog so you will be in the give-away.  We so appreciate any donation, no matter how small.  We are also very appreciate of your prayers.

Thank you and God bless...

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


A friend recently asked how to respond when people make comments such as....'it's really irresponsible and rude to ask people for money to adopt. If you can't pay for it all upfront then you shouldn't be adopting.'   This statement would be fine if the child was a piece of merchandise...but, alas, the child is NOT.  I fully agree that I would not go out and seek donations so I could by a new car, because that helps no one other than myself.  The adoption of an orphan helps save a life - not to mention be a potential inspiration for others to adopt.  

As an adopting parent of an orphan - I can tell you that this is most certainly a lesson in humility for me.   I am NOT comfortable with asking for donations.   Albeit, I never ever think twice about donating to other adoption funds.   

The adoption of a child from an overseas orphanage is not a "purchase" that you save up is a "calling" to save a child.   If it were only a matter of money I think that many people would adopt...however, it is not the money that is needed but the strong desire to help and raise a hopeless child.  These children do not have time for every family that hears that calling to save.  With costs exceeding $20,000 and up to $40,000 at times, who can just pull that out of their wallet on a whim??  

In the Bible, God calls us to help the orphans...being that not everyone has the ability or calling to actually adopt an orphan, it is through advocating for these children, praying for the adopting families and donating to adoption funds that EVERYONE who wants to can do something to help the orphans.  

Thank you to everyone that is doing something for the lesser children of this world...

Don't forget - we have a GiveAWAY going on right now!!  See prior post!

God bless!
